Feature image: Ohhh … Alright …, 1964 via WAMU courtesy of the Estate of Roy Lichtenseuin

The Evolution of Pop Art

Explore the dynamic evolution of pop art, from its roots in the 1950s to its modern-day influence, in our comprehensive article on this iconic art movement.

Lily Frye
Witches Sabboth de Goya via Meister Drucke

Witches in Art History

Witches are popular during Halloween, but they have a history in classical art. They appear as mysterious women practicing ceremonial rituals and magic by fire: witch hunt events, the Salem...

Rosella Parra
Hilma af Klint

Under the Radar, Ahead of Her Time: the Mysteri...

Af Klint was a future-thinking woman who created over 1,300 abstract artworks in 1906. This was well before “abstract” art was coined by Kandinsky, Mondrian, and Malevich. Af Klint created...

Emma Livingston
The Lovers, rene magritte

Five Surrealism Paintings That Feel Like a Feve...

Dreams feel like haphazard scenarios—kind of like surrealist art. One moment you’re talking to your dog in your ex-boyfriend’s mom’s house and the next thing you know you’re in a...

Lily Frye